My beloved children
I am here. I will dictate my words of love.
My beloved ones, what man can place a value on faith? Faith is the absence of fear in all situations. Faith is knowing that a cool breeze will refresh you on a hot sweltering day. Faith permits the soul to say, 'Abba.' Call me 'Abba,' children. My beloved ones, The Eternal Father is moved by faith. He is moved to unleash bountiful gifts upon the soul who calls upon him in faith. Faith, my children, is a state of being. It is actually a sanctuary whereby God's heart and man's heart become united. It is a place within every soul where they can say, 'Abba,' and be heard instantly...
When one has faith, all that he asks of the Eternal Father shall be granted him. But, my children, you do not understand how your concept of time is my adversary. You must persevere and be persistent in your prayers. Faith develops slowly, my children. It begins as a piece of coal. When the man sees the coal he realizes that it is only an outer appearance. With a small amount of faith he understands that the piece of coal is only a covering for a deeper and more priceless beauty. With a small amount of faith he will change the piece of coal until it becomes a magnificent diamond. But this is as faith is; faith is not limited, my children.
Faith is unlimited because I am unlimited. When you ask the Eternal Father for something in faith, though you may be asking for a piece of coal, the Eternal Father shall always give you a diamond. I use this example to illustrate how the simplicity of the cross cannot be comprehended by man. Though the cross may have an unattractive outer appearance, it is truly a most priceless gem.
Children, I, Jesus, go before you in every situation. I, Jesus, go with you and behind you in every situation. Never do you walk alone. Ask, children, for the faith to see the cross through my eyes and these graces shall be granted you. Ask for the courage to look beyond the situations in your lives that you may see the great value they actually merit. Remember, I, the Lord, will always help you. Thank you, my child, for recording my words. Be not afraid of the cross, the cross is my gift to you. The cross is life!
My beloved child, is there anything I would deny the soul who trusts in me?
Would a father deny his child what he is asked if he is able to give it? Is there anything I am unable to give? Child, when one has faith, that soul is drawn into my Sacred Heart by way of my wounds. The souls with faith begin an intimate journey through the depths of my wounds where he is transformed by grace. He is showered with love and purified by my blood. He is loved and cradled in the arms of the Heavenly Father though he is unaware of this occurrence. He is kissed and comforted by God that he may become a child of God and in God; that his soul may become unified with the Holy and Blessed Trinity, is accomplished by faith.
The Eternal Father is moved by faith. He is moved to unleash bountiful gifts upon the soul who calls upon him in faith. Faith, my children, is a state of being. It is actually a sanctuary whereby God's heart and man's heart become united. It is a place within every soul where they can say, 'Abba,' and be heard instantly, for it is those with faith who truly pursue and love God. Say 'Abba,' my children, and the God of all compassion will visit the sanctuary of your heart. Oh yes, it is by faith that one can move a mountain, but is not the heart of God larger and mightier than a mountain? My precious one, come to my heart with faith and you shall be granted all that you ask. Go with my blessing, my little lamb.
Put everything behind you.
Detach from all worldly things and be prepared to walk away. Be prepared to renounce your families, jobs, homes and all material possessions. I tell you solemnly that these things shall pass away from you as an infant suddenly takes his first step. Sacrifice and do penance. Be prepared to account for your lives which are infested with sin. I am a God of Truth. Truth when revealed by me is a purification. To all those who seek me they shall find me waiting and eager to teach them.
Where does a diamond come from? Is it not brought about from a piece of coal and men's persistence to change it into a thing of beauty? So I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, will perfect the coal of my children's hearts, a great metamorphosis shall occur. Diamonds pure and magnificent will I create out of my chosen ones.
Oh, little one of my heart, seek me. Come to me often. Let me hear sighs of love. Let me see your eyes filled with love for me. I am Jesus, I am God. Yes, Abba. When you call me, 'Abba,' I run to you. 'Father,' you say, 'come to me. I long to be with you.' I, Jesus, wish you to call me 'Father.' Call me 'Father' often. Remember, little one, I am One with my Father. I am One God, Eternal. I am Love. When you say 'Father,' remember you are calling me, Jesus. I am the Blessed Trinity. I am the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am God.